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Dr. Gálvez Ginachero. Busts of Málaga

Dr. Gálvez was one of the most prestigious physicians in the city's history

José Gálvez Ginachero, born in Málaga in 1866, earned his medical degree from the University of Granada at the age of 22 and by 24, he was awarded his doctorate "cum laude" from Complutense University in Madrid. In 1893, he joined the Medical Staff of the Provincial Civil Hospital of Málaga as an obstetrician, recording in its visitor books the astounding figure of approximately one hundred and fifty thousand women attended to in this centre alone. He never accepted his salary, handing it over to the Hospital Superior for the poorest.

One of the most prestigious projects undertaken by Dr. Gálvez were the Midwifery Schools in Madrid and Málaga, as well as the creation of the Board of Trustees of the foundation called the Ave Maria Schools, which aimed to help the children from the city's most disadvantaged classes. Hence, Málaga pays tribute to him with a statue in front of the maternity clinic named after him.

The sculptor of the bust: Adrián Risueño

The work was carried out by Adrián Risueño, who also crafted the statue of the goddess Ceres near the Roman Theatre. The Málaga-born artist Adrián Risueño Gallardo was born in Málaga in 1896 and from a very young age, he wanted to dedicate himself to sculpture. He began his training at the School of Fine Arts in Málaga and was granted a scholarship by the Málaga City Council in 1924 to complete his studies in Madrid. Years later, he was the sculptor chosen to create the bust of José Gálvez that would adorn the austere monument that today stands, weathered by the years and the elements, next to Málaga Cathedral. The inscription reads: "To Dr. Gálvez Ginachero, a distinguished Málaga native who devoted his life to the service of Spain, Science, and Christian Charity. May, 1944".

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